uniformity|uniformities in English


[u·ni·form·i·ty || ‚juːnɪ'fɔrmətɪ /-'fɔːm-]

homogeneity, state of being uniform, consistency

Use "uniformity|uniformities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uniformity|uniformities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uniformity|uniformities", or refer to the context using the word "uniformity|uniformities" in the English Dictionary.

1. Anabolite®-P foster flock uniformity

2. By electronically determining resultant uniformity parameters, tires can be improved by rectification to address the uniformity levels.

3. Acoustic diffusers for acoustic field uniformity

4. Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.

5. Greater and greater uniformity will prevail.

6. The downside of Counterfeit2 is its uniformity

7. The vertical flow path reduces velocity non-uniformities in the acoustic chamber resulting from gravity forces.

8. Directions:pour a generous amount of product put uniformity on the face , use abdomen of finger. or use sponge light bunt uniformity.


10. 14 Excessive equality makes for cultural uniformity and monotony.

11. They tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments.

12. Uniformity of annulus flow is important in well Cementation

13. It leads to greater economy and uniformity of production.

14. Sensing uniformity of luminance distribution on organic layers.

15. Excessive equality makes for cultural uniformity and monotony.

16. Adjustment of deposition uniformity in an inductively coupled plasma source

17. Such methods can provide superior nanowire uniformity without agglomeration.

18. March of the Penguins Fears about an Americanized uniformity are overblown.

19. But uniformity of content and, increasingly, of process has been guaranteed.

20. The austerity and uniformity of much modern architecture made sculpture superfluous.

21. This should, he maintains, guard against any lack of uniformity.

22. There seems to be no uniformity among the various systems.

23. The pressure towards uniformity constantly threatens to erode local traditions.

24. Anode flatness, uniformity, and verticality are critical in obtaining good electrorefinery performance

25. However, this convergence should not necessarily be perceived as implying complete uniformity.